ED2019 4/5 Reviews ED2019 Theatre Reviews

Pizza Shop Heroes (Phosphoros Theatre)

By | Published on Thursday 15 August 2019

‘Pizza Shop Heroes’ is performed by four young men who have undertaken desperate journeys to escape Afghanistan, Albania, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The stories of these four refugees are fused into one tale for our times. It’s raw, sometimes a little ragged: these aren’t seasoned thespians, or polished drama students, but this is not a show which suffers for that. The stories of the journey, the reasons for making it and the bloody awfulness of, well, us when they get here are important and need telling. But what makes this show fly are the touches added to make it a fundamentally human story, most notably when the script opens up ideas of a future that just might make it all worthwhile, somehow or other.

Summerhall, run ended.
tw rating 4/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]