ED2023 Children’s Shows Reviews ED2023 Reviews

My Friend Selkie (What Moves You)

By | Published on Thursday 17 August 2023

A selkie is a mythical creature, part human, part seal, of whom tales abound in the folklore of northern Scotland. It moves in and out of human form by shedding and donning its seal skin, represented in costume form throughout the show. The light premise is that Selkie is trading her knowledge of swimming with her human friend Jo who in turn teaches her about the stars. With music played onstage by Quee McArthur, it’s all nice, warm and fuzzy. One small pacing quibble: one of the early numbers, Disco Crabs, is a catchy, up-tempo banger, setting a tone soon abandoned in favour of slower, gentler floorwork for much of the latter half, at which some young minds visibly wander.

Assembly @ Dancebase, run ended.
tw rating 3/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]