ED2023 Children’s Shows Reviews ED2023 Reviews

Mr Sleepybum

By | Published on Thursday 17 August 2023

The title had my daughter claiming this as a five star show before we went in, and this sense was heightened as our pyjama-ed host (by night, stand up comic Jody Kamali) opened with what was basically an extended bout of peekaboo. Anyway, having gotten everyone on side through peekaboo and other varyingly successful crowd work, the premise is explained: Mr Sleepybum will tell us about his dreams of the last six nights. Well, I say tell – he in fact acts them out with a daringly large degree of audience participation. What I imagine is a differently chaotic 50 minutes every day ensues, in which grown-ups are made to do stuff (fair warning) and in which kids are riotously entertained.

Assembly George Square, until 27 Aug.
tw rating 4/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]