ED2013 3/5 Reviews ED2013 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Laugh & Cry / Kokon (Double-Bill) (Kolyra-Jasniszewska Productions)

By | Published on Friday 16 August 2013

The ‘Laugh & Cry’ trio present emotive snap-shot-like arrangements which play with the contrast between people’s public and private personas. They begin with a collection of creative and charmingly put-together poses which gradually escalate. It’s a really quite marvellous performance, elegant in its simplicity and masterfully executed. ‘Kokon’ is a somewhat more confused piece based on the book ‘Women Who Run With The Wolves’ by Clarissa Pincola Estés. The four dancers make use of the rhythm of their breathing and sharp, jerking gestures to convey something which is not immediately obvious, but which is meant to represent aspects of woman’s nature. Kokon’ is not the strongest performance, but ‘Laugh & Cry’ makes this a double-bill worth seeing.

C, until 6 Aug, 6.10pm.
tw rating 3/5 | [Jasmine Faller]