ED2013 2/5 Reviews ED2013 Cabaret Reviews

Humour And Heart! – The Most Gorgeous Songs You’ve Never Heard (Jonathan Prager – The Serious Comic)

By | Published on Wednesday 21 August 2013

This show could have been a perfectly nice selection of little known songs, except it was so painfully unrehearsed that it felt truly inept. Jonathan Prager began his set with an a capella number which was very accomplished, and his pianist was extremely skilled, but in comparison to some of the perfectly rehearsed, flawless cabaret acts this year, ‘Humour And Heart!’ doesn’t hold its own. On a number of occasions Prager began singing in a different key to his accompaniment, and all too frequently lost his place or forgot the lyrics. The set could have been minimalist and stylish if not for the projected images – clipart cartoons and stock photography with tenuous relevance to the songs. These added yet another amateur quality to an unfinished end product.

Paradise in the Kirkhouse, until 24 Aug (not 19), 5.00pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Elizabeth Jewell]