ED2012 5/5 Reviews ED2012 Music Reviews

Kate Daisy Grant With Nick Pynn (Grant And Pynn)

By | Published on Thursday 23 August 2012

Kate Daisy Grant and Nick Pynn have managed an incredible feat; capturing the dynamic DIY spirit of the Fringe, while concomitantly appearing amazingly well rehearsed and professional. Performing in a converted office space, using unique and home-made instruments this pair create some of the most electrifying music to be found at this festival. Kate evokes the spirit of Zola Jesus in her ethereal and soulful vocals, though with a lot of quaint British charm. While Nick’s ability to live loop creates majestic aural soundscapes that give the sensation that one is enjoying a full orchestra (if that orchestra includes bird noises and glass harps). This is highly ambitious musicianship that is as intriguing as it is impressive; truly original artistry.

Inlingua Edinburgh, 3-26 (not 6, 13 or 20) Aug, 8.15pm
tw rating 5/5 | [Lewis Wade]