ED2012 4/5 Reviews ED2012 Music Reviews

Fork – Electro Vocal Circus (FORK)

By | Published on Friday 31 August 2012

After an inauspiciously slow start, this band promised us that we’d be dancing by the end of the show, and the rave that was taking place at its conclusion proved them unexpectedly right. Fork may vocalise everything live, and they may use the usual rock and pop hits in their mash-ups, but this is a cappella like you’ve never seen before. The Finnish quartet use vocoders, harmonisers and live loops to create a massive sound that veers dangerously close to making them a regular pop covers band. But, while this show may have a cappella purists tearing their hair out, the charisma of the group creates an infectious excitement that is simply impossible not to enjoy.

Assembly George Square, 2-26 Aug, 10.25pm
tw rating 4/5 | [Lewis Wade]