ED2011 2/5 Reviews ED2011 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

Migrations Cirque (Poi*Kimchi*Vodka)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

“Unusual in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand” is the dictionary definition of ‘strange’. It also sums up Poi*Kimchi*Vodka’s ‘Migrations Cirque’. The show is a series of often acrobatic performances linked by a theme of migration, but these scenes fail to connect, with one unnecessary blackout lasting an eternity. Even discounting this, the piece just doesn’t hang together the because quality varies enormously; One scene entitled ‘My Trained Monkey’ manages to be tremendously funny and well-executed, but for the most part, unitards, panpipes, and voices off-stage saying “migration” in various languages, make the show feel like a throwback to terrible 1980s performance art. Evidently, sometimes striving to be unusual leads to unsettling mediocrity.

Gryphon Venues at the Point Hotel, 5 – 6 Aug, 6.50pm (7.50pm), £6.00 – £7.00, fpp173.
tw rating 2/5