ED2011 3/5 Reviews ED2011 Children's Shows Reviews

A Timetraveller’s Guide To Surviving Childhood (Swan Picnic / PBH’s Free Fringe)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

A show featuring a camp Blackbeard teaching children how best to maim their opponents, and Freud delivering a sermon on cakes, has undeniable potential. At times this show is genuinely funny, but unfortunately it also features some lazy jokes and clumsy national stereotyping. The unnecessarily obnoxious American Zack’s very inclusion in events—framed by a history lesson led by two stuffy English professors—is frankly bizarre. Much of the humour is either predictable or overdone, but there are a few delightful moments, especially when the earnest performers appear to have fun with the show and enjoy the audience interaction. Arrive early as the children at the front received the most attention and clearly got the best out of the show.

Ryan’s Cellar Bar, 5 – 29 Aug (not 7, 14, 21, 28), 2.30pm (3.30pm), free, fpp29.
tw rating 3/5