ED2017 5/5 Reviews ED2017 Children's Shows Reviews

Eaten (Mamoru Iriguchi)

By | Published on Sunday 27 August 2017

If you woke up with your head poking out of a lion’s mouth, you’d probably feel terrified (and pretty hostile that you’d just been eaten!) The gentle-natured and endearingly inquisitive Mamoru Iriguchi, however, takes it as an opportunity to strike up a friendship with the lion, before he disappears down its digestive tract for good. ‘Eaten’ explores complicated ideas about the food chain and the conflicting emotions that come with being animal-loving omnivores. Iriguchi’s creation is unpretentiously intelligent, warm, and as honest as it is silly. There aren’t many people that can pull off a show that is conceptually and visually beautiful but also laden with poo-jokes; ‘Eaten’ had me laughing harder than all the kids put together.

Summerhall, until 27 Aug.
tw rating 5/5 | [Stephanie Stapleton]