ED2019 3/5 Reviews ED2019 Children's Shows Reviews

Sparkle (Annie Cusick Wood, Honolulu Theatre Production supported by Catherine Wheels)

By | Published on Tuesday 13 August 2019

It’s the first day of school. Sparkle dons various sparkly things, dodging the sensible shoes, blazer and tie proffered by his guardian angel. He looks forward to doing his show at school, but ends up picked-upon and, eventually, takes the guardian angel’s guidance about dressing sensibly and fitting in. That is until he sees his pet caterpillar blossom into a butterfly, and both he and his guardian angel realise that he too must embrace who he really is. Segue to rainbow-laden finale. Now, the message is somewhat laid on with a trowel here but it is surely laudable, very nicely staged and performed and, to a crowd of kids who in many cases actually are starting school soon, timely. Oh, and sparkly.

Summerhall, until 25 Aug.
tw rating 3/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]