ED2017 2/5 Reviews ED2017 Theatre Reviews

La Maladie De La Mort D’Après Marguerite Duras (Collectif Or Normes)

By | Published on Sunday 27 August 2017

‘La Maladie De La Mort’ is based on an 1982 novella by French writer Marguerite Duras, about a man who hires a woman so he can “learn how to love”. It uses multimedia and live music, and this evening was performed in English. The narrator reads from a script throughout, often sounding halting and stilted. He stands in the corners, as dancer Alexandra Naudet uses the rest of the space. She is a graceful performer, for the most part naked, stretching and writhing on the floor. Unfortunately, this soon starts to feel like little more than objectification, as we hear his repeated descriptions of her body, her breasts, “her sex”. We watch him, voyeuristically watching her, and it all starts to feel rather sordid and grubby.

Institut Français d’Ecosse, until 28 Aug.
tw rating 2/5