ED2014 4/5 Reviews ED2014 Theatre Reviews

300 To 1 Free (Panesh Prods / PBH’s Free Fringe)

By | Published on Saturday 16 August 2014

This play should never work. A fifteen year old boy enacts the film ‘300’ to Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon? I’m not quite sure how Matt Panesh came up with the idea for this solo show but I’m glad he did. The show zings along thanks to Panesh’s comic panache with physical characterisation: he easily zips between the macho Leonidas, the stammering Wilfred Owen and the prickly Sassoon. With a biting script and a mass of energy, the play is frequently hysterical and plainly ridiculous which perhaps seems at odds with with its central message: war is not glorious, and Owen’s poetry and startling facts about veterans are used to clarify this. It somehow works, though, and the result is a pleasure to watch.

Banshee Labyrinth, until 24 Aug.
tw rating 4/5 | [Charlotte Taylor]