ED2013 4/5 Reviews ED2013 Theatre Reviews

Black Rubix Theatre Presents Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster (Enyi Okoronkwo and Sam Whyte)

By | Published on Friday 30 August 2013

This play focuses on the recent phone hacking scandal but doesn’t bother taking itself or the subject too seriously. The audience is meant to believe that a fictional company, Black Rubix, is producing and making a mess of the show. They use an audience member to fill a gap in the cast and technical staff keep interrupting performers by coming on stage mid-scene. The performers, meanwhile, speak at erratic speeds, accompanying the dialogue with inexplicable gestures, making it a little reminiscent of ‘The Young Ones’. However, while the style might not be to everyone’s taste, it’s certainly capable of being funny. And this play demonstrates a beautiful degree of control for something that appears to be so chaotic.

theSpace @ Venue 45, until Aug 24 (not 16, 18, 19, 21, 23)
tw rating 4/5 | [Michael Black]