ED2012 3/5 Reviews ED2012 Theatre Reviews

People Like Us (Savage Theatre)

By | Published on Saturday 18 August 2012

Centring around a realistic-looking hospital bed, ‘People Like Us’ follows the last days of Simon Arthur Harper as he lays dying of HIV. The young cast handle the fragile subject matter carefully and sensitively, and Cherise Sullivan’s performance as Simon’s girlfriend Stacey is particularly believable. Simon hallucinates on his medication, seeing his ex-partner Sharon, who has also died of the disease. Sharon seems unstable though, and when she tells Simon they will be together again in death, it’s unclear whether this is a blessing or a curse. The constant interruption by the two nurses, shooing visitors away when Simon needs rest was also a clever device, making the moments between him and Stacey all the more precious.

theSpace on North Bridge 3-18 Aug (not 5,12), 7.40pm.
tw rating 3/5 | [Stephanie Taylor]