ED2012 3/5 Reviews ED2012 Music Reviews

A Scottish Journey And Beyond (Coreen Scott with Laverock)

By | Published on Friday 31 August 2012

Part of the Festival of Spirituality And Peace, this performance combines folk and popular tunes like ‘Old Cape Cod’ with a variety of French songs including Charles Trenet’s ‘La Mer’ and Edith Piaf’s ‘La Vie en Rose’. Though the essential charisma of the renditions in French is lacking,these covers make for easy listening. Indeed, the entire set list is composed of songs so universally relaxing that there is a risk of being lulled into a rather more somnolent state of repose. Many of the chosen songs have a similar rhythm, and the lack of variety may lose the interest of some, however, thanks to the excellent acoustic qualities of the venue, this set is a pleasure to listen to.

St John’s Church, 12, 18 Aug, 4.00pm.
tw rating 3/5 | [Colette M Talbot]