ED2012 4/5 Reviews ED2012 Comedy Reviews

Lewis Schaffer – No YOU Shut Up!

By | Published on Monday 6 August 2012

It is sometimes with some scepticism that I approach a free act at the Fringe, expecting an inexperienced teenager trying their hand at dismal stand-up or something woefully acted with low production values. Lewis Schaffer surprised and delighted me by surpassing my low expectations. Quick, slick and, most importantly, very funny, Schaffer violates all stand-up rules (even, at one point, sitting down), but a man of his energy and charisma could make anything funny. His steady rapport with the audience is comfortable, and he somehow manages to flirt, kiss and racially abuse without anyone really minding. This unfailingly affable man can get away with anything – go and see him, it can only be worth it.

Alternative Fringe @ The Hive, 2-26 Aug (not 8, 15, 22), 4.45pm.
Also at Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, same dates, 8.15pm.
tw rating 4/5 | [Alexandra Payne]