ED2012 2/5 Reviews ED2012 Comedy Reviews

German Comedian (Christian Schulte-Loh / PBH’s Free Fringe)

By | Published on Thursday 16 August 2012

Real-life German comedian Christian Schulte-Loh is setting out to fight the well-ingrained stereotype we have of his serious countrymen. He begins well, engaging the audience with his wry humour as he explains his fight to compensate for his nationality. Unfortunately, as we approach the half-hour mark this early momentum is soon lost; the material rapidly becomes predictable with the more ‘daring’ lines becoming simply offensive. Calling attention more than once to the poor reaction from the crowd doesn’t help matters, and the magic tricks are a low point. It could be a long time before the stereotypes are dissipated, as an hour with the German comedian begins to feel like a very long hour indeed.

Base Nightclub, 4 – 25 Aug, 5:00pm.
tw rating 2/5 | [Pallavi Patel]