ED2011 5/5 Reviews ED2011 Theatre Reviews

Ink (Chase The Crane)

By | Published on Tuesday 23 August 2011

Can you love someone you’ve never met? Can a person ever change? Does anyone have the right to take or save a life? Playwright Lois Baldry skilfully manoeuvres through these deep questions which provoke multiple answers, but never rest conclusively on a particular one. The techniques used to show the passing of time and place are unnervingly effective at drawing the audience into the confused and lonely mind of the protagonist, Helen. The talented cast effortlessly portray the myriad effects that family trauma can have on different personalities, so one is left feeling that each jarring opinion can be completely understood, implying, perhaps, that we should grudgingly agree to disagree; a classic example of the subjectivity of morality and ethics.

C soco, 3 – 29 (not 15), 8.55pm (9.55pm), £6.50 – £9.50, fpp271.
tw rating 5/5