ED2011 2/5 Reviews ED2011 Dance & Physical Theatre Reviews

State Of Mind (Z Theatre Company)

By | Published on Tuesday 16 August 2011

The flyer for ‘State of Mind’ quotes Einstein: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Repetition can be both captivating and infuriating, locking us in, even as we want out; it can make us question the limits of rational being. However, in ‘State of Mind’ – much of which takes place in silence – repetition achieves none of these things. There are some good ideas, but the necessary tension and suspense aren’t there. The performers seem more absent-minded than insane and everything lasts slightly too long without ever really building to very much. The lacklustre routines leave one’s attention to drift; repetition, it turns out, can also be just plain dull.

theSpace on Niddry Street, 8 – 18 Aug (not 14), times vary, £3.00 – £5.00, fpp177.
tw rating 2/5