ED2011 4/5 Reviews ED2011 Event Reviews

Brazilian Corner

By | Published on Sunday 28 August 2011

A week long series of events celebrating Brazilian culture, ‘Brazilian Corner’ is a varied experience. I attended an informative and interesting lecture on contemporary Brazilian photography, with images selected and introduced by Fotorio coordinator Joana Mazza. Although at times we could have done with more interpretation, Mazza proved a knowledgeable guide and, importantly, knew when to speak and when to let the images speak for themselves. With a varied programme including films, puppetry and alcohol, there is something for everyone here, just be sure to check the schedule in advance as the fixed displays are somewhat limited in scope. No event is ever going to encompass a country the size of Europe, but ‘Brazilian Corner’ is an interesting taster.

theSpace at Symposium Hall, 22-28 Aug, 12.00pm (10.30pm), £0.50 – £1.00, fpp180.
tw rating 4/5