ED2011 3/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Three Man Roast (Holland, Howells And McKee / Laughing Horse Free Festival)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

The fact that lots of successful comedians are a little geeky does not mean that all geeks are comedians. ‘Three Man Roast’ constantly stress their socially awkward outsider status as if this alone will light up their set. It doesn’t. Dan McKee and Alex Holland are enthusiastic and friendly but end up hobbling through a series of bland jokes, propped up by predictable audience banter. So it is a delight when Will Howells confidently takes to the stage and begins darting between critical grammar quibbles, Facebook obsessions and the danger of apostrophes as a gateway drug. At its best, geek humour makes it look hip to be square – and Howells is hip as hell.

Laughing Horse at Finnegan’s Wake, 4 – 27 (not 7, 14, 21), 2.35pm (3.35pm) free, fpp158.
tw rating 3/5