ED2011 3/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

Brave New Irish Showcase – Free (BraveNewIrish.com / Laughing Horse Free Festival)

By | Published on Sunday 14 August 2011

One would think it nepotism for an Irish pub to host a showcase of Irish comedians on the Edinburgh Fringe, but thankfully there are enough laughs here for us to let it slide. Featuring, for its first ten days, the talents of Damon Blake and George Fox, it is probably for the best that the former opened the show. As he fired off a loosely connected series of jokes that only sporadically hit the mark, belly laughs became lost in a swamp of non-starters and obscure pop-culture references that only raised titters from a knowing few. Thankfully, Fox closes with a highly imaginative set, which truly blossoms when he starts applying Facebook logic to the real world.

Laughing Horse at Finnegan’s Wake, 4 – 27 Aug (not 7, 14, 21) 6.00pm (7.00pm), free, fpp52.
tw rating 3/5