ED2011 3/5 Reviews ED2011 Comedy Reviews

AAA Batteries (Not Included) (Liam Williams, Chris Turner, Adam Hess)

By | Published on Friday 12 August 2011

This audience-participation show was, sadly, hit-or-miss. Of the hits: Liam Williams. Having created the best audience rapport, as well as being the most natural on stage, Williams is the true highlight of this show. Although Chris Turner shows much promise initially and finishes with a sensational finale, his pun-tastic routine becomes slightly soggy in the middle. The final act, Adam Hess, struggles to find his rhythm throughout an ill-structured routine, though he eventually manages to squeeze a few laughs from the audience. Perhaps a simple switch of performers would solve many of this show’s shortcomings, which is bound to get better with each day of the festival. See it, but leave the kids at home.

Laughing Horse at Meadow Bar, 4 – 28 Aug, 2.45pm (3.45pm), free, fpp32.
tw rating 3/5