ED2019 3/5 Reviews ED2019 Children's Shows Reviews

Captain Jake And The Search For The Red Queen (Stories Alive)

By | Published on Tuesday 13 August 2019

Captain Jake is here to tell us the story of how he became a pirate captain. This is a warm, well-told storytelling show, with some pleasing scholarly detail and a hearty dose of audience interaction and participation, as he dragoons some young crew mates to assist him. Slight pacing issue: there’s quite a long stretch of straight spoken word which feels tricky for the very young, then a lot of interactivity which perhaps slightly breaks the storytelling spell for those who were in it. But, in all, if you were to walk the plank and end up in the Pleasance Cellar with Captain Jake, there are many worse things that happen at sea…

Pleasance Courtyard, until 18 Aug.
tw rating 3/5 | [Bruce Blacklaw]