ED2016 3/5 Reviews ED2016 Musical Reviews

2 Become 1 (Swipe Right Theatre)

By | Published on Sunday 14 August 2016

2 Become 1 Ed2016

Much has changed since the 90s, especially in the dating scene. ‘2 Become 1’ is set in the time of Nokias, out-of-this-world platforms and old-style dating, so sing along to the pop tunes and rejoice in the nostalgia! Reminiscent of ‘Sex and the City,’ the show sees four friends embark on a night of speed dating after one of them goes through a break-up. It’s not the most original of plots, and it wouldn’t pass the Bechdel test, but that doesn’t really matter, because the show is great fun. With excellent musical arrangements and performances, it smartly weaves in songs and references from the 90s. For an hour, you’ll go back to that decade and yet you’ll feel the changes since then.

Underbelly, until 28 Aug.
tw rating 3/5 | [Aida Rocci]